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Showing posts with label kilang kelapa sawit. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Video: Debat Rafizi LWN Khairy (Rafizi Juara)

Errr....Lu sakit ka khairy sampai lu kena belasah kaw-kaw ngan mat fizi ni kekekek...
Lu tak nak ker angkat geng bangla lu belasah mat fizi ni??

Mana pi dah mat bangla ni weii khairy?? haii peace no war!!! muahahhahaha!!!

Hey dey!!! hinnadey!!! samseng kampung dusun bangladusun...kekekke...!!!

Dengan rafizi pun lu dah kalah, ada hati nak cabar pak anwar ibrahimm....kahakk ptuih!!!

Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairi Jamaluddin hari ini berkata beliau tiada masaalah dan sedia menerima cabaran debat oleh Pengarah Strategik PKR, Rafizi Ramli mengenai isu yang menjadi kontroversi iaitu National Feedlot Corporation (NFC), tetapi yang menjadi halangan baginya ialah masa dan kepentingan debat tersebut diadakan.

(Gambar diatas tiada kena mengena dengan Khairy, gambar menunjukkan sekumpulan Lembu Wagyu dari Tajima cattle yang mahu berhijrah ke Malaysia bila mengetahui Lembu di Malaysia tinggal didalam Kondo)

Bagaimanapun menurutnya beliau belum menerima sebarang surat atau jemputan untuk debat tersebut.

Katanya bila beliau menerimajemputan rasmi, beliau akan membincangkan tarikh dan masa untuk diadakan debat.

Khairy: "I'm ready to debate with Rafizi"

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin today said that he is ready to accept PKR's Strategic Officer Mohd Rafizi Ramli's challenge for a debate on the controversial National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) issue.

However, Khairy said he has yet to recieve any official letter or invitation for the debate.

He said when he recieve the official invitation, he will discuss about the date and time of the debate.

"No problem, no problem... but it is a question of time and interest."

"We have the Umno Assembly on the 29th (November) and 3rd (December) so it will be after that," said Khairy during a press conference at Parliament lobby today.

Khairy also said that he has always been (ready) to debate with anyone and it's no problem for him if Rafizi wants to challenge him provided that he is available in the country.

On Monday, Rafizi challenged Khairy to debate on the NFC issue saying that this is the best way for them to solve the messy situation about the NFC 'scandal' and at the same time, groom new young leaders.

Meanwhile, Puteri Umno chief Rosnah Rashid Shirlin announced that the Umno Youth and Puteri will be having a joint-program called Majlis Amanat Presiden Umno.

She said the program will be held on Sunday, 20 November 2011 in Dewan Merdeka at PWTC from 1PM to 6PM.

The Ceremony will be attended by leaders from the Umno Youth and Puteri Umno division througout the country to listen to Umno's president who is also the Prime Minister for Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's message.

Rosnah described the event as historical as for the first time in Umno's history, the party's president will be giving out an important message specially for the Umno Youth and Puteri Umno.

"This is really significant to both wings because the event is done prior to the Umno General Assembly," she said.
She also said the event provides space for Najib to inject words of encouragement to both wings to determine its direction in fulfilling their responsibility in defending the rakyat and ensuring the prosperity for the country, race and religion.

She added that this event is done at the right timing considering that the assembly this year could be the last assembly before the 13th General Election.

(Malaysian Digest)

psst....Lu layak berdebat dengan baruk!!!

Baca Berita Penuh ..

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