
Monday, 30 January 2012


Klik Untuk Tonton Video Penjelasan Anwar ---> Video

saya rasa elok lock semua topic mengenai Pemfitnahan ke atas Anwar Ibrahim berkenaan jawapan keselamtan negara Israel dalam Wall Street Journal.

Ambil thread yang ini sahaja kerana thread yang lainnya mengandungi unsur2 fitnah dan salah faham (walaupun ada yang bukan fitnah).

Sesungguhnya, Saya telah menduga memang jawapan beliau tally dengan jawapan saya dalam thread yang berkenaan (4 hari lepas). bahawa Malaysia telah pun mengikut peraturan perlembagaan dalam Resolusi Perlembagaan PBB utk Majlis Keselamtan mengiktiraf Keselamtan Negara2 yang diiktiraf.

Bahawasanya Anwar Ibrahim hanya mengulangi apa yang terdapat dalam resolusi yang telah sekian lama dipegang oleh Malaysia.


Saya diwawancara oleh Wall Street Journal pada hari Khamis, 26hb Januari 2011. Antara soalan yang ditanya kepada saya adalah berkaitan dasar luar negara dan isu Palestin. Saya tuntas menegaskan bahawa kemahuan dan hak rakyat Palestin mesti dibela dan itu merangkumi hak untuk mendirikan negara sendiri serta tidak terus dizalimi. Saya juga mengungkapkan bahawa jika syarat ini dipenuhi maka wajarlah hak rakyat Israel juga dihormati. Berikut adalah jawapan yang saya berikan:
“I support all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel,” said Mr. Anwar, although he stopped short of saying he would open diplomatic ties with the Jewish state, a step which he said remains contingent on Israel respecting the aspirations of Palestinians.“
Pendirian saya ini ternyata sejajar dengan prinsip perjuangan Parti Keadilan Rakyat yang menjunjung tinggi prinsip Keadilan Sejagat dan tegas membela hak mereka yang dizalimi. Selain itu pandangan saya ini ternyata selari dengan Resolusi 1397 Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) dan Inisiatif Keamanan Arab (Arab Peace Initiative) yang berteraskan Penyelesaian Dua Negara atau lebih dikenali sebagai Two-State Solution. Malahan dasar luar negara juga menekankan prinsip Penyelesaian Dua Negara sebagaimana yang diungkapkan YB Menteri Luar ketika Perbahasan Perhimpunan Agung PBB Sesi ke-66 pada 27hb September 2011 di New York (GENERAL

“..Malaysia fully supports the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people for an independent State of Palestine, based on the two-state solution, taking into account the security concerns of both parties (Israel and Palestine).”
Ternyata dari kenyataan Menteri Luar Negara, dasar Malaysia adalah bersedia menghormati hak rakyat Palestin dan Israel untuk menikmati keamanan dan kedamaian. Akan tetapi kesediaan kita pastinya bergantung kepada syarat selagi mana hak rakyat Palestin tidak dicerobohi. Justeru saya memberi amaran keras kepada mana-mana pihak yang cuba memutar belit kenyataan saya semata-mata mahu menyebar fitnah kononnya saya mengkhianati aspirasi rakyat Palestin. Pendirian Parti Keadilan Rakyat adalah tuntas membela hak sesiapa sahaja yang dirampas dan dizalimi. Iltizam untuk memastikan keadilan buat semua tidak pernah surut malah pastinya digilap dan diperkukuh.


 I was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, 26th January 2011. Among the questions posed to me was concerning foreign policy and the Palestinian issue. I was firm in stating that the wishes and rights of the Palestinian people must be protected and that includes the right to form a independent and sovereign state of their own, and not to be continuously oppressed. I also posited that if these conditions are to be must be fulfilled, then by the same logic, the rights if the Israelis should also be respected. My full response to this matter is reproduced below:

“I support all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel,” said Mr. Anwar, although he stopped short of saying he would open diplomatic ties with the Jewish state, a step which he said remains contingent on Israel respecting the aspirations of Palestinians.”
My position is clearly in line with that of the principles of struggle of the People’s Justice Party which values highly the Principle of Universal Justice and strongly defend the rights of the oppressed. In addition, my view runs concurrent with that of Resolution 1397 of the United Nations Security Council and the Arab Peace Initiative which promotes the Two-State Solution.

What more, the same principle of the Two-State Solution approach had been addressed by the Hon. Foreign Minister at the General Debate Of The 66th Session Of The United Nations Assembly on 27th September 2011 in New York. He mentioned: 
“..Malaysia fully supports the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people for an independent State of Palestine, based on the two-state solution, taking into account the security concerns of both parties.” (Israel and Palestine)

It is clear from the Foreign Minister’s statement that Malaysia adopted a policy of respecting both the rights of the Palestinians and Israelis to enjoy peace and security. However, this condition shall largely depends on the prerequisite that the rights of the Palestinians are not violated. Hence, I would like to sternly warn any distractor who wishes to twist and turn my statement and henceforth spread lies that I have turned my back on the aspirations of the Palestinians. The principle of the People’s Justice Party is very clear in defending whose rights have been denied and oppressed. Our commitment to uphold justice has never faded, in fact it is always renewed and strengthened.


psst....UMNO bagaikan hampas ditengah jalan...

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